University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has been awarded through a cascade call of the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSIT). for the SMILE-SQUIP project. SMILE-SQUIP project: quantum computing and superconductorsThe Unimore project SMILE-SQUIP (Addressing Molecular and Spins with
NEW PAPER!! Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in a hybrid magnon-photon bilayer system
Our new paper on “Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in a hybrid magnon-photon bilayer system” is finally on-line on Physical Review Applied at this link. Abstract: “Spin waves in magnetic films are affected by the vicinity to a superconductor. Here
NEW PAPER!! Quantum sensing of magnetic fields with molecular spins
Our new paper on “Quantum sensing of magnetic fields with molecular spins” is finally available on npj Quantum Information, at the following link: Sketch of the coplanar resonator used in the experiments with the position of the sample (purple)
Highlights of LowT Lab on CNR NANO REPORT 2024
The Institute Report of Istituto Nanoscienze CNR NANO 2024 is finally online!! The electronic version is available at this link. Our lab is contributing with two highlights!!
NEW PREPRINT!! Quantum Sensing of Magnetic Fields with Molecular Spins
Our new preprint on “Quantum Sensing of Magnetic Fields with Molecular Spins” is now available on Arxiv at this link: Abstract: “Spins are prototypical systems with the potential to probe magnetic fields down to the atomic scale limit. Exploiting
NEW PAPER!! Ultrastrong Magnon-Photon Coupling Achieved by Magnetic Films in Contact with Superconducting Resonators
Our new paper on “Ultrastrong Magnon-Photon Coupling Achieved by Magnetic Films in Contact with Superconducting Resonators” is finally on-line on Physical Review Applied at this link. The work has been selected as Editors’ Suggesstion.. Abstract: “Coherent coupling between spin-wave excitations
Call for Admission to PhD Positions is now open!
The official call for admission to PhD positions at University of Modena e Reggio Emilia is now open. Candidates must have complited an italian master degree (or an equivalent academic qualification from a foreign University) within october, 31 2023 in
CNR NANO S3 20th Anniversary
Our Lab is pleased to join the “Cnr Nano S3 20th anniversary” Wokshop for celebrating 20 years from the fundation of CNR NANO S3 Research Center. Please check the dedicated website for further information and full program. Dr. Alberto Ghirri
NEW PAPER!! Coherent Quantum Network of Superconducting Qubits as a Highly Sensitive Detector of Microwave Photons for Searching of Galactic Axions!!
Our new paper on “Coherent Quantum Network of Superconducting Qubits as a Highly Sensitive Detector of Microwave Photons for Searching of Galactic Axions” is now online as early access paper of IEEE Xplore at this link. The work will be
NEW PAPER!! – Machine-Learning-Assisted Manipulation and Readout of Molecular Spin Qubits
Our new paper concerning “Machine-Learning-Assisted Manipulation and Readout of Molecular Spin Qubits” is now online on Physical Review Applied at the following link. “Machine learning finds application in the quantum control and readout of qubits. In this work we apply