Here’s a quick list of our phone numbers and offices:
Phone Number | Room | Email * | |
Low Temperature Lab | +39 059 205 5271 | MO-17-00-042 | |
Prof. Marco Affronte | +39 059 205 8375 | MO-17-01-033 | |
Dr. Alberto Ghirri | +39 059 205 8123 | MO-17-03-013 | |
Dr. Claudio Bonizzoni | +39 059 205 5576 | MO-17-02-002 | |
Mr. Matteo Lanza | +39 059 205 xxxx | MO-17-0x-0xx | |
Mr. Federico Rapuzzi | +39 059 205 xxxx | MO-17-0x-0xx |
Please, refer to this page for further information.