Our Lab hosts the following instrumentation and equipment.
Helium Recovery
Quantum Design ATL 160 Helium Liquefier
Our lab is equipped with a recovery line for low-pressure helium gas and of an helium liquefier system.
Cryomagnetic Systems
Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) (2-300 K, 0-7 T), equipped with:
- Susceptometer
- Torque magnetometer
- Heat Capacity Calorimeter
- Magneto-Resistivity
- Hall probe
- 3He system (base T=300mK)
- Home-made probe and sample holder with microwave coaxial lines (0-18 GHz) and optical fiber.
Oxford Instruments (9+1+1) T Vector Magnet with Oxford Heliox VL 3He Cryostat (base T = 250 mK), equipped with:
- microwave coaxial lines (0-18 GHz)
- low-noise DC lines with low-pass filters
RF and Microwave Instrumentation
- Agilent PNA 5222A Programmable Network Analyzer (0-26 GHz)
- AT ARB Rider AWG-4022 Arbitrary Waveform Generator by Active Technologies
- Anritsu MG3692B RF/Microwave Signal Generator (0-20 GHz)
- AnaPico APSIN12G RF and Microwave Signal Generator (0-12 GHz)
- Anrtisu MS2721A Spectrum Analyzer (0-7 GHz)
- Agilent Infiivision DSO6104A Digital Oscilloscope
- Stanford Reaserach Systems SR830 DSP Lock-in Amplifier
- Keithley 2636B System Source Meter and 2636 System Source Meter
- Keithley 6221 DC and AC Current Source
Experimental Set-ups and Techniques
We have implemented several ready to use set-ups and techniques, some of them also in combination with the cryomagnetic systems and the RF and MW Instrumentation above.
- Lakeshore TTPX Cryogenic Probe Station, equipped with 4 DC probes and nano-electronics for current measurements in the picoampere range.
- Home-made etherodyne spectrometer for single-tone, pulsed-wave transmission spectroscopy (6-10 GHz)
- Microwave components and electronics for single-tone and two-tone continuous-wave transmission spectroscopy (0-18 GHz)
- Bruker electromagnet equipped with X-band EMX EPR Spectrometer
Additional Equipments and facilities
- Optical and UV light sources with diffraction grating (300-750 nm)
- Omicron LDM 375/670 Laser Source
- KS 4123 wedge bonder
- Sample fabrication is available at the building by means of shared optical litography and nano-lithography (EBL, FIB and RIE) laboratories.
- Additional spectroscopic techniques are available in the same building at Centro Interterdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti (CIGS) upon request.
- An additional machine shop service with mechanical, electrical and informatic expertise is also available in the building.
Measurements Control and Automation
We currently use the Python Programming Language and Anaconda distribution to implement the control and automation of our instruments and measurements, exploting available frameworks (e.g. QCoDes) as well as home-made software. We also have experience on National Instruments LabVIEW for some applications.